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全国职业院校技能大赛简介(中英文对照)    发布时间:2012年5月9日   访问量:9     前言     全国职业院校技能大赛是中华人民共和国教育部发起,联合国务院有关部门、行业和地方共同举办的一项全国 性职业教育学生竞赛活动,经过多年努力,已经发展成为全国各个省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市积极参与,专 业覆盖面最广、参赛选手最多、社会影响最大、联合主办部门最全的国家级职业院校技能赛事,成为中国职教界的 年度盛会。     2008年以来,大赛的规模与内涵不断扩大。至2011年,大赛的主办单位由11个增加到了16个;赛项数目由24个增 加到了55个;年参赛选手由不足2 000人增加到5 000余人,支持企业超过2 800家。2011年,大赛除了设置了现代制造 技术、汽车运用与维修、电子信息与通信技术、护理技能、农业等16个专业类别的55个技能竞赛项目以外,“赛、 展、会、演”4大板块联动,还同期举办了技能交流、德育宣传、文化展示、作品展洽、才艺展演等12项活动。参与 大赛活动的国家达到9个,学生近200人。世界技能大赛组织主席杰克先生等国外嘉宾莅临观摩,参加41届世界技能大 赛的德国选手及部分外国留学生与获奖选手进行了表演赛。     2012年全国职业院校技能大赛将坚持统一性、普惠性、公益性和专门化原则,以提高大赛的社会参与面和专业覆 盖面,提升比赛水平、扩大国际影响,推动职教专业改革为目标,进一步完善制度建设、提升大赛的组织化水平。 2012年大赛的主办单位达到22个,共设置18个专业类别的96个竞赛项目,承办地也由天津市扩展到了河北、山西、吉 林、江苏、浙江、安徽、山东、广东、贵州、河南等10个省份,参赛选手预计超过6 000人。部分比赛项目还将实现 网上直播。大赛期间还将举办“2012年民族地区职业院校教学成果展演”、“2012年全国职业院校学生技能作品展洽 会”、“全国职业院校德育与校园文化建设工作会议”等活动。     全国职业院校技能大赛是中国职业教育学生切磋技能、展示风采的舞台,也是总览中国职业教育发展水平的一 个窗口。我们欢迎有兴趣的各国友人和专业人士前往观摩。具体内容可以登录大赛官方网站(www.chinaskills.org) 查询。     2012年全国职业院校技能大赛执委会办公室  二〇一二年四月  Foreword  The National Vocational Students Skills Competition (hereafter referred to as the competition) is a national competition for vocational students initiated by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and hosted jointly by related departments of the State Council, some industries and the local governments. After years of hard work, quite a number of participants from various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and cities specifically designated have been involved in the competition. With the characteristics of the widest coverage, the largest number of contestants, the greatest social influence and the largest number of sponsors, the competition has already been a grand annual event for China’s vocational education.  Since 2008, the competition has been increasingly expanded both in scale and in connotation. By 2011, the number of organizers had increased from 11 to 16 and that of events from 24 to 55. The number of contestants had increased from 2 000 to 5 000 and that of sponsoring enterprises had exceeded 2 800. In 2011, the competition offered 55 events for 16 majors such as modern manufacturing technology, application and maintenance of autos, electronic information and communication technology, nursing skills and agriculture etc. Not only the competition can be viewed as a match, an exposition, a meeting and a presentation, it is also complemented by other 12 activities, including skills communication, morality publicity, cultural display, exhibition of works and talent show. Nearly 200 students from 9 countries participated in the competition. Chairman of the World Skills Competition attended the competition. German participants of the 41st World Skills Competition and some foreign students and winners took part in friendly matches.  Sticking with its principle of unity, inclusiveness, public-welfare orientedness and specialization, the 2012 National Vocational Students Skills Competition sets as its goals to further improve system construction and enhance the organizational capability of the competition in order to encourage more social participation, widen the specialization coverage, lift up the standard of competition, deepen its international influence and give an impetus to the reform of vocational education. This year, the number of organizers shall reach 22 and there shall be 96 competition events for 18 majors. More than 6 000 contestants are expected to participate in the competition and the place to host it shall extend from Tianjin to 10 provinces such as Hebei, Shanxi, Jilin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, Guangdong, Guizhou and Henan. Some events shall be shown live online. During the competition, the following activities will also be held: the 2012 Exposition of Teaching Achievements in Vocational Schools in the Ethnic Regions, the 2012 National Exposition of Students’ Skill Works in Vocational Schools, and Work Conference on the Development of Morality Education and Campus Culture in China’s Vocational Schools.  The National Vocational Students Skills Competition is not only a stage for Chinese vocational students to share experience and show talents, but also a window through which to view the development of China’s vocational education. We extend our warm welcome to friends and experts interested in the competition. For detailed information please log onto the official website (www.chinaskills.org).  Executive Committee Office of the 2012 National Vocational Students Skills Competition  April, 2012   目录/Contents 中职组赛项 /Secondary Vocational Competitions........................................................................................................1 会计技能/Accounting skills.........................................................................................................................................................2 工程测量/Engineering survey......................................................................................................................................................3 电工电子/Electrical and electronic engineering..........................................................................................................................4 汽车运用与维修/Application and maintenance of autos.............................................................................................................6 美发与形象设计/Hairdressing and image design ........................................................................................................................7 酒店服务/Hotel services ..............................................................................................................................................................8 光伏发电设备安装与调试/Installation and debugging of photovoltaic equipment ...................................................................9 种子质量检测等/Seed quality testing et al. ..............................................................................................................................10 手工制茶/Manual tea making ...................................................................................................................................................11 烹饪/Cooking ............................................................................................................................................................................12 服装设计与制作/Fashion design and garment making.............................................................................................................13 化工仪表自动化/Chemical instruments automation.................................................................................................................14 化工生产技术和化工设备维修/Chemical production technology and chemical equipment maintenance ............................15 工业分析检验/Industrial analysis and inspection .....................................................................................................................16 建筑设备安装与调控(给排水)/Installation, regulation and control of construction equipment (water supply and drainage) ......17 电梯维修保养/Elevator maintenance .......................................................................................................................................18 计算机辅助设计(建筑CAD)/Computer aided design (construction CAD)........................................................................19 职业英语技能/Professional English skills ...............................................................................................................................20 现代物流/Modern logistics .......................................................................................................................................................21 企业网搭建与应用/Establishment and application of the enterprise network .............................................................................22 电子商务技术/E-Commerce technology..................................................................................................................................23 计算机辅助设计(工业产品CAD)/Computer aided design (industrial products CAD) .....................................................24 护理技能/Nursing skills............................................................................................................................................................25 中药传统技能/Traditional Chinese medicine skills ..................................................................................................................26 机器人技术应用/Robot technology application .......................................................................................................................27 现代制造技术/Modern manufacturing technology...................................................................................................................28 煤矿安全/Coal mine safety.......................................................................................................................................................30 高职组赛项 / Higher Vocational Competitions........................................................................................................31 会计技能/Accounting skills......................................................................................................................................................32 测绘测量/Survey and mapping.................................................................................................................................................33 电子产品设计与制作(基于FPGA技术)/Design and manufacturing of electronic products (FPGA technology based)..........34 电子产品检测与维修(芯片级)/Testing and maintenance of electronic products (chip-level).................................................35 汽车检测与维修/Auto testing and maintenance .......................................................................................................................36 汽车营销/Auto marketing.........................................................................................................................................................37 中餐主题宴会设计/Design of Chinese theme banquets ...........................................................................................................38 风光互补发电系统安装与调试/Installation and tuning of the wind-solar hybrid power generating system.........................39 植物组织培养等/Culture of plant tissue et al. ......................................................................................................................... 40 农产品质量安全检测/Quality safety testing for agricultural products ........................................................................................41 烹饪/Cooking ............................................................................................................................................................................42 服装设计/Fashion design..........................................................................................................................................................43 报关技术/Customs declaration skills........................................................................................................................................44 化工仪表自动化/Chemical instruments automation.................................................................................................................45 化工生产技术和化工设备维修/Chemical production technology and chemical equipment maintenance ............................46 工业分析检验/Industrial analysis and testing ...........................................................................................................................47 智能电梯装调与维护/Installation, adjustment and maintenance of intelligent elevators........................................................48 英语口语/Oral English..............................................................................................................................................................49 物联网技术应用/Application of network of things technology...................................................................................................50 现代物流储存与配送作业优化设计和实施/Optimized design and application of modern logistics, storage and distribution.........51 计算机网络应用/Application of computer networks................................................................................................................52 信息安全管理与评估/Management and evaluation of information security ...........................................................................53 护理技能/Nursing skills............................................................................................................................................................54 中药传统技能/Traditional Chinese medicine skills..................................................................................................................55 自动化生产线安装与调试/Installation and adjustment of the automatic production line ......................................................56 机器人技术应用/Application of robot technology ...................................................................................................................57 工业产品造型设计与快速成型/Industrial molding design and fast molding .........................................................................58 数控机床装调、维修与升级改造/Installation, adjustment, maintenance and update of CNC machine tools...........................59 楼宇自动化系统安装与调试/Installation and adjustment of the automatic system in buildings...............................................60 水环境监测与治理技术/Monitoring and treatment technology for the hydro environment ...................................................61 煤矿安全/Coal mine safety.......................................................................................................................................................62 赛项名称:会计技能 专业分类:财经 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。比赛内容包括会计电算化、翻打传票、点钞等三个部分。每位选手须完成全部三部分 比赛内容。 组队要求:每队限报4名选手,不超过3名指导教师。 举办地:山东 时间:6月上旬 Competition: accounting skills. Field: finance and economics. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition, which includes computerized accounting, calculating the total voucher value and counting bank notes. Each contestant should complete all the three events. Requirements of teaming: four contestants and at most three instructors for each team. Venue: Shandong province. Time: early June. 注:本大赛简介照片选自“全国职业院校技能大赛官方网站()”。 Note: the photos in this introduction are selected from the website 赛项名称:工程测量 专业分类:测绘勘探 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。熟练运用测量仪器,通过团队合作,在规定的时间内完成闭合水准测量和全站仪坐标 放样任务. 组队要求:每省市限报4名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: engineering survey. Field: survey and mapping exploration. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition, which tests contestants’ proficiency in using survey instruments, closed leveling survey and setting out coordination layout within a given time through team work. Requirements of teaming: each province or municipality can have at most four contestants and only one instructor. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:电工电子 专业分类:电子技术 分项:5 赛项简介(5个分项):包含团体赛和个人赛。其中,机电一体化设备组装与调试和电气安装与维修为团 体赛,其余为个人赛。 1.电子产品装配与调试:按工作任务书的要求,用赛场提供的单元电路模块搭建指定的电子产品,用赛场 提供的元器件和电路板装配和调试电子产品,检测和排除赛场提供的电子产品存在的故障,抄绘一个电子产品 的电路。 2.机电一体化设备组装与调试:按照部件组装图组装机械部件,按照设备组装图和气动系统图组装机电一 体化设备,按照设备工作与控制要求绘制电气控制原理图、编写PLC控制程序、制作触摸屏画面并完成整机调 试和填写组装调试记录。 3.电气安装与维修:按照施工单完成配用电装置、照明装置和电气控制系统的安装,按照维修工作要求排 除生产设备电气控制电路故障并填写相关记录。 4.单片机控制装置安装与调试:按照工作任务书的要求,选择模块、连接电路、组成单片机控制装置。根 据装置的工作说明和控制要求,编写控制程序完成整体调试和填写调试记录。 5.制冷与空调设备组装与调试:按照工作任务书的要求,完成空调和冰箱制冷系统的组装、调试和运行, 排除空调、冰箱电气控制系统故障。 组队要求:1.电子产品装配与调试,每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导老师。 2.机电一体化设备组装与调试,每队限报4名选手,2名选手为1组,每组选手不超过1名指导老师。 3.电气安装与维修,每队限报2名选手,2名选手为1组,每组选手不超过1名指导。 4.单片机控制装置安装与调试,每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 5.制冷与空调设备组装与调试,每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: electrical and electronic engineering. Field: electronic technology. Number of competition events: five. Brief introduction to the five competition events: 1. Assembling and debugging electronic products (individual competition): according to the requirements of the statement of work, contestants are to develop designated electronic products with unit circuit modules provided, assemble and debug electronic products with components and circuit boards provided, test and clear the faults of the electronic products provided and draw a picture of circuits of an electronic product. 2. Assembling and debugging mechano-electronic equipment (team competition): contestants are to assemble mechanical components and mechano-electronic equipment according to the equipment assembly diagram and pneumatic systematic diagram, draw the electrical control schematic diagram, develop control programs of PLC, develop the touch-screen picture and adjust the entire machine as well as make the assembling and adjustment records. 3. Installing and maintaining electrical devices, lighting devices and the electrical control system (team competition): according to the working requirements, contestants are to clear faults of the electrical control circuit of the production equipment according to the maintenance worksheet and make relevant records. 4. Installing and debugging single-circuit machine (SCM) control devices (individual competition): according to the statement of work, contestants are to choose modules, connect circuits and assemble SCM control devices. Contestants should also develop control procedures and make overall adjustment in accordance with the operation instructions and control requirements of the devices as well as make the adjustment records. 5. Assembling and debugging refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment (individual competition): according to the statement of work, contestants are to install the refrigeration system of the air-conditioner and refrigerator, debug and operate to clear faults in the electrical control system of the air-conditioner and refrigerator. Requirements of teaming: 1. for assembling and debugging electronic products, two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. 2. For assembling and debugging mechano-electronic equipment, four contestants (divided into two two-contestant groups) and only one instructor for each team. 3. For installing and maintaining electrical equipment, two contestants (forming one group) and only one instructor for each team. 4. For installing and debugging SCM control devices, two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. 5. For assembling and debugging refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:汽车运用与维修 专业分类:交通运输 分项:5 赛项简介(5个分赛项):包含团体赛和人赛。其中二级维护作业和车轮定位作业为团体赛,其余为个人赛。比赛分为理论测试和 实际操作两个部分,实操比赛内容包括: 1.二级维护作业和车轮定位作业(团体赛)。 2.汽车维修基本技能(个人赛):配气正时机构拆装、测量与检查和汽车故障诊断。 3.车身修复(钣金)(个人赛):车身电子测量和校正、板件更换、受损门板修复。 4.车身涂装(涂漆)(个人赛):损伤区处理、中涂喷涂、修补喷涂前处理、双工序纯色漆调色、双工序面漆修补喷涂。 5.汽车空调维修(个人赛):汽车空调制冷剂回收、净化、加注操作流程作业和简单故障诊断作业并填写《空调维修项目作业表》。 组队要求:每组2人,每校限报1组;每组不超过2名指导老师。 汽车维修基本技能、汽车空调维修、车身修复、车身涂装,每个赛 项每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: application and maintenance of autos. Field: transportation. Number of competition events: five. The competition includes theoretical knowledge test and practical operation. Brief introduction to the practical operation of the five competition events: 1. Level-two maintenance operation and wheel alignment operation (team competition). 2. Basic skills of auto maintenance (individual competition): disassembling the auto gas distribution timing equipment, testing, checking and diagnosing auto faults. 3. Repairing auto bodies (sheet metal) (individual competition): electronic measurement and adjustment of auto bodies, replacing panels and repairing damaged door panels. 4. Coating (painting) auto bodies (individual competition): repairing damaged areas, spraying paint, treatment before spraying paint, mixing paint using the double-process pure-color technique and spraying paint using the double- process coating-repairing technique. 5. Maintaining auto air conditioners (individual competition): recycling, cleansing, refilling air conditioner refrigerant, diagnosing minor faults in auto air conditioners and filling in Air Conditioner Maintenance Operation Form. Requirements of teaming: each college can only register for one group, which consists of two contestants, each group will have at most two instructors. For basic skills of auto maintenance, maintaining auto air conditioners, repairing auto bodies and coating auto bodies, two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:美发与形象设计 专业分类:旅游服务 分项:5 分项内容:1.标准卷杠;2.男士无缝推剪;3.女士短发修剪;4.新娘化妆·盘发造型;5.晚宴化妆 赛项简介(5个分赛项):包含五项个人赛,即:标准卷杠(使用教习模特);男士无缝推剪(使用教习 模特);女士短发修剪(使用教习模特);新娘化妆·盘发造型(化妆和发型由一名选手完成,使用真人模 特);晚宴化妆(使用真人模特)。 组队要求:每个单项每队限报2名选手;标准卷杠、男士无缝推剪、女士短发修剪、晚宴化妆,各1名指导 教师。新娘化妆·盘发造型,1-2名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: hairdressing and image design. Field: tourism service. Number of competition events: five. The five individual competition events are: 1. basic curler-using skills (using teaching models); 2. cutting men’s hair using hair clippers (using teaching models); 3. women’s short hair cut (using teaching models); 4. bridal makeup and doing up bride’s hair (using models); 5. banquet makeup (using models). Requirements of teaming: two contestants for each team in each competition event. For bridal makeup and doing up bride’s hair, one or two instructors for each team. For other events, only one instructor for each team. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:酒店服务 专业分类:旅游服务 分项:2 赛项简介(2个分赛项):包含两项个人赛: 1.中餐宴会摆台:包括仪容仪表、中餐宴会摆台、专业知识、英语口语等。 酒店服务 Hotel services 赛项名称:酒店服务 专业分类:旅游服务 分项:2 赛项简介(2个分赛项):包含两项个人赛: 1.中餐宴会摆台:包括仪容仪表、中餐宴会摆台、专业知识、英语口语等。 酒店服务 Hotel services 2.客房中式铺床:包括仪容仪表、客房中式铺床、专业知识、英语口语等。 组队要求:每个单项每队限报2名选手,每个分赛项限1名指导老师。 举办地:广东 时间:6月中旬 Competition: hotel services. Field: tourism service. Number of competition events: two. Brief introduction to the two individual competition events: 1. Preparing tableware for Chinese banquets: contestants are to mind their appearances and manners when preparing tableware, contestants’ professional knowledge and oral English are also tested. 2. Chinese style bed making: contestants are to mind their appearances and manners when making the bed, contestants’ professional knowledge and oral English are also tested. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and only one instructor for each team in each competition event. Venue: Guangdong province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:光伏发电设备安装与调试 专业分类:能源 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛项。比赛内容为光伏供电系统、负载与逆变系统、监控系统的安装、调试,包括光伏供 电系统的器件安装、布线与接线等。新能源专业、自动化专业、电力电子专业、机电一体化、计算机应用专 业、电子信息专业均可参加。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手(其中队长1名),不超过2名指导老师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: installation and debugging of photovoltaic equipment. Field: energy. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes: installing and debugging the photovoltaic power supply system, the loading system, the UPS system and the monitoring system. Specifically it includes installing components, laying and connecting the lines of the photovoltaic power supply system. The competition is available for contestants majoring in new energy, automation, electric power and electronics, mechano-electronics, computer application and electronic information. Requirements of teaming: three contestants (including a team leader) and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:种子质量检测等 专业分类:农业 分项:3 分项内容:1.种子质量检测;2.艺术插花;3.农机维修 赛项简介:包含三项个人赛。 1.种子质量检测:国家职业标准《农作物种子繁育员》(四级)知识考试;检验作物种子的净度、测定作物种子的千粒重、快速测定作物种子生活力。 2.艺术插花:国家职业标准《插花员》(四级)知识考试;根据现场抽取的主题,利用赛场提供的花材和器具,在规定时间内,完成插花作品,并填写作品名牌及主题表现说明。 3.农机维修:国家职业标准《农机修理工》(四级)知识考试;完成大中型轮式拖拉机电路和油路故障的诊断、排除,启动拖拉机。 组队要求:每个赛项每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: seed quality testing et al. Field: agriculture. Number of competition events: three. The three individual competition events are: 1. seed quality testing; 2. artistic flower arrangement; 3. farm machine maintenance. Brief introduction to the three competition events: 1. Seed quality testing: testing contestants’ knowledge as required by the national occupational standards of Crop Seed Breeding Staff (Level Four), testing the purity of crop seeds, measuring the 1 000-grain weight of crop seeds and measuring seed vitality with rapidity. 2. Artistic flower arrangement: testing contestants’ knowledge as required by the national occupational standards Flower Arrangement Staff (Level Four); according to the chosen theme, contestants are to complete their own artistic flower arrangement work with flowers and tools provided within a given time, fill in the name card of the work and the instructions of the theme. 3. Farm machine maintenance: testing contestants’ knowledge as required by the national occupational standards Farm Machinery Repairmen (Level Four); besides, contestants are to diagnose and clear faults of the circuits and the fuel system of large and medium-sized wheeled tractors and start the tractors. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team for each competition event. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:手工制茶 专业分类:农业 分项:4 赛项简介:包含四项个人赛:手工制扁形绿茶、手工制卷曲形绿茶、手工制青茶(乌龙茶)和手工制红条茶。以成品茶叶品质为评判标准,选手可同时报名参加多项比赛。 组队要求:每队限报4名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:贵州 时间:5月下旬 Competition: manual tea making. Field: agriculture. Number of competition events: four. Brief introduction to the four individual competition events: manual flat green tea making, manual curly green tea making, manual oolong tea making and manual strip shaped black tea making. The competition will take the quality of the finished tea products as the criteria and one contestant can take part in more than one competition event. Requirements of teaming: four contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Guizhou province. Time: late May. 赛项名称:烹饪 专业分类:轻纺食品 分项:4 分项内容:1.热菜;2.面点;3.冷拼;4.果蔬雕刻 赛项简介:包含四项个人赛。每个赛项专业知识测试后,选手须现场完成基本功操作、规定主料作品和 自选作品的制作。每名选手最多参加2个赛项。 组队要求:每队限报6名选手,不超过3名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: cooking. Field: textile and food. Number of competition events: four. Brief introduction to the four individual competition events: 1. preparing hot dishes; 2. preparing noodles, pastries or dim sum; 3. preparing dishes of assorted cold meats; 4. carving fruits and vegetables. After professional knowledge tests in each competition event, contestants are to demonstrate basic skills and prepare dishes with given ingredients and self-chosen dishes. Each contestant can participate in at most two events. Requirements of teaming: six contestants and at most three instructors for each team. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:服装设计与制作 专业分类:轻纺食品 分项:2 赛项简介:包含两项个人赛。 1.女式春夏时尚连衣裙款式设计、立体造型; 2.女式春夏品牌服装CAD板型制作、放码与样衣试制。 组队要求:每个赛项每队限报3名选手,不超过3名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: fashion design and garment making. Field: textile and food. Number of competition events: two. The two individual competition events are: 1. Designing the style of women’s fashionable spring and summer dresses and tailoring them. 2. Metric pattern cutting by the CAD technology, grading and making samples of women’s spring and summer clothing. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most three instructors for each team for each competition event. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:化工仪表自动化 专业分类:石化 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。按照《化工仪表维修工国家职业标准》高级工要求,分为知识测试和技能操作两个部分。其中技能操作比赛中的变送器校验与组态、气动薄膜控制阀安装与电气阀门定位器校验由每名选手单独完成,过程控制系统运行调试由参赛队选手共同完成。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:河北 时间:6月下旬 Competition: chemical instruments automation. Field: petrochemical industry. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to the requirements for senior workers designated in the National Occupational Standards for Repairmen of Chemical Instruments, the competition is divided into knowledge test and skills operation. The skills operation of checking and configuring transmitters, installing the pneumatic diaphragm control valve and checking the electrical valve locator will be conducted by each contestant individually, and that of debugging the process control system by all the contestants in a team cooperatelly. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Hebei province. Time: late June. 赛项名称:化工生产技术和化工设备维修 专业分类:石化 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。 化工生产技术:按照《化工总控工国家职业标准》高级工要求,分为知识测试和技能操作两个部分。其中技能操作比赛中的化工生产仿真操作由每名选手单独完成,精馏操作由参赛队选手共同完成。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 化工设备维修:按照《化工检修钳工国家职业标准》高级工要求,分为知识测试和技能操作两个部分。其中技能操作比赛中的钳工操作由每队抽签确定一名选手单独完成,另外2名参赛选手共同完化工设备检验操作。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: chemical production technology and chemical equipment maintenance. Field: petrochemical industry. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. Chemical production technology: the competition includes testing contestants’ knowledge required for senior workers designated in the National Occupational Standards of Chemical Control Workers and skills operation. The skills operation of simulated operation of chemical production should be carried out by each contestant individually and that of rectification by all the contestants in a team. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and only one instructor for each team. Chemical equipment maintenance: the competition includes testing contestants’ knowledge required for senior workers designated in the National Occupational Standards of Chemical Repair Fitters and skills operation. The skills operation of bench-work should be carried out by one contestant individually, who will be decided by drawing lots. And the other two contestants should cooperate in conducting the skills operation of checking the chemical equipment. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:工业分析检验 专业分类:石化 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。按照《化学检验工国家职业标准》高级工要求,分为知识测试和技能操作两个部分。 技能操作包括化学分析和仪器分析。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: industrial analysis and inspection. Field: petrochemical industry. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to requirements for senior workers designated in the National Occupational Standards for Chemical Inspection Workers, the competition is divided into knowledge test and skills operation. Skills operation includes chemical analysis and chemical instruments analysis. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:建筑设备安装与调控(给排水) 专业分类:土建 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。在规定的时间内,完成建筑给排水系统图和电气控制原理图绘制、管材加工和连接、 附件和设备的安装、管道通水与试压试验、电气安装与接线、控制程序设计与调试等比赛任务。 组队要求:每省市限报2个队,每队2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: installation, regulation and control of construction equipment (water supply and drainage). Field: civil engineering. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. Within a given time, contestants are to complete tasks including drawing up plans for the construction water supply and drainage systems and the electrical control system, pipe processing and connection, installation of spare parts and equipment, unblocking of conduits and testing of water pressure, electrical installation and wiring and design and debugging of control procedures etc. Requirements of teaming: each province or municipality can have at most two teams with each team composed of two contestants and at most two instructors. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:电梯维修保养 专业分类:土建 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。在赛场提供的设备上,按照操作规范和安全规程,完成工作任务书指定的保养项目, 排除机械和电气故障。 组队要求:每省市限报1个队,每队2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:广东 时间:6月下旬 Competition: elevator maintenance. Field: civil engineering. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. In accordance with operation specifications and safety regulations, contestants are to complete the maintenance items required in the statement of work and clear mechanical and electrical faults with instruments provided. Requirements of teaming: each province or municipality can have only one team with each team composed of two contestants and at most two instructors. Venue: Guangdong province. Time: late June. 赛项名称:计算机辅助设计(建筑CAD) 专业分类:土建 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。通过建筑识图、绘制与修改建筑图形,根据给定视图内容或三维模型,完成必要的工程图样或其他视图。 组队要求:每省市限报3名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: computer aided design (construction CAD). Field: civil engineering. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition. In accordance with a given view or three-dimensional model, contestants are to complete necessary engineering drawing or other views by the architectural recognition graph, draw and revise the architectural graph. Requirements of teaming: each province or municipality can have at most three contestants and only one instructor. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:职业英语技能 专业分类:外语 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。按报名选手所学专业分为服务类专业组和工科及其他专业类组,比赛内容包括在线 测评、情境交流、职场应用、职业风采四个部分。在线测评考查选手通用职业场景下的综合语言应用能力, 选手使用英语现场描述指定图片中的工作或生活场景、合作完成职场真实任务、自主展示职业风采。 组队要求:每省限报2支参赛队,服务类专业组和其他专业组各一支,每队限报2名选手,不超过1名指导 教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: professional English skills. Field: foreign languages. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. Contestants are divided into two categories, those majoring in service and those with engineering and other majors. The event includes online evaluation, communication in simulated scenarios, career application and professional skills demonstration. Contestants for online evaluation are to demonstrate their comprehensive language application ability under common career circumstances, describe the work or life as shown in the designated pictures in English, cooperate with each other to finish real career tasks and demonstrate their own professional skills. Requirements of teaming: each province can have two teams with each team having at most two contestants. One team is to be composed of contestants majoring in service and the other of contestants with other majors. Only one instructor for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:现代物流 专业分类:物流 分项:3 分项内容:1.现代物流中心作业;2.叉车操 作;3.物流单证处理 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。其中,现代物流中心作业为团体赛,其余为个人赛。 1.现代物流中心作业:团体赛。包括知识测试和技能操作两个部分。技能操作包含分工协作完成现代物流中心作业过程中的入库、补货、加 工、出库、盘点等。 2.叉车操作:个人赛。包括知识测试和技能操作两个部分。技能操作包含叉车起步、叉运货 物、绕桩、货物上下架、托盘码垛、停车等。 3.物流单证处理:个人赛。包括知识测试和技能操作两个部分。技能操作包含使用物流单证系统,根据业务案例要求进行相关物流单证的填制和处理等。 组队要求:1.现代物流中心作业:每队限报3名选手(信息员、仓管员、操作员),不超过3名指导教师。2.叉车操作和物流单证:每个单项每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: modern logistics. Field: logistics. Number of competition events: three. The three competition events are: 1. modern logistics center operation; 2. forklift operation; 3. dealing with logistics documents. Brief introduction to the competition: 1. Modern logistics center operation: team competition. It is divided into knowledge test and skills operation. In the skills operation, contestants should cooperate in warehousing, stock replenishment, processing, distribution and inventory making in the modern logistics center operation. 2. Forklift operation: individual competition. It is divided into knowledge test and skills operation. Skills operation includes starting the forklift, making the forklift lift cargos, go between stakes, lift cargos onto the shelves and load them down from them and stack trays as well as parking. 3. Dealing with logistics documents: individual competition. It is divided into knowledge test and skills operation. Skills operation includes using the logistics document system, filling in and dealing with relevant logistics documents in accordance with the requirements of business cases. Requirements of teaming: 1. modern logistics center operation: three contestants (for the roles of the messenger, the warehouse keeper and the operator respectively) and at most three instructors for each team; 2. forklift operation and dealing with logistics documents: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team for each competition event. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:企业网搭建与应用 专业分类:信息技术 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。根据赛场软、硬件环境和网络建设要求,完成企业网络架构及应用平台的搭建,并保障企业网络应用的安全性和可靠性。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: establishment and application of the enterprise network. Field: information technology. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to the software and hardware environments and the requirements for establishing the network, contestants are to establish the framework of the enterprise network, set up the application platform and ensure the safety and reliability enterprise network application. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:电子商务技术 专业分类:信息技术 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。比赛内容分为网络营销、在线交易和知识测试三个部分: 1.网络营销。应利用本届比赛执委会提供的计算机、摄影器材、商品收纳箱、工作台等设备,在本届比赛执委会提供的专用模拟教学系统上,完 成比赛指定的网络营销任务,即:商品拍摄、照片处理、商品描述、照片上传、论坛营销等。 2.在线交易。应利用本届比赛执委会提供的专用模拟教学系统,完成比赛指定的在线交易任务(C2C电子商务流程),完整实现买家、卖家和 物流公司等角色的交易流程。 3.知识竞赛。应利用本届比赛执委会提供的专用模拟教学系统,完成电子商务基础知识试题的测试。组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: E-Commerce technology. Field: information technology. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. It includes three parts: network marketing, online transaction and knowledge test. Brief introduction to the three parts: 1. Network marketing. Contestants are to finish the designated tasks of network marketing with computers, camera equipment, storage boxes and working tables provided by the executive committee of the competition in the special simulated teaching system. The tasks include photographing the goods, processing the photos, describing the goods, uploading the photos and marketing through on-line forums. 2. Online transaction. Contestants are to finish the designated tasks of online transactions (C2C E-Commerce procedures) and realize the transaction procedures of buyers, sellers and logistics companies with the special simulated teaching system provided by the executive committee of the competition. 3. Knowledge test. Contestants are to take the E-commerce basic knowledge test with the special simulated teaching system provided by the executive committee of the competition. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:计算机辅助设计(工业产品CAD) 专业分类:信息技术 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。使用赛场软、硬件环境,按照设计要求,完成某(些)工业产品的造型设计、模型建立和设计表达。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过3名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: computer aided design (industrial products CAD). Field: information technology. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition. According to the design requirements, contestants are to design the industrial molds, build the molds and state the design plans in the software and hardware environments provided. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most three instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:护理技能 专业分类:医药卫生 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。独立分析临床案例,找出主要护理问题,针对首优护理问题列出主要护理措施;在抢救室完成单人徒手心肺复苏术、密闭式静脉输液技术、双腔导管氧气瓶吸氧技术三项比赛任务。 组队要求:每队限报4名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: nursing skills. Field: medicine and health. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition. It includes: analyzing clinical cases independently, finding out main nursing problems and listing major nursing measures for high-priority problems. In the emergency room, contestants are to finish three tasks: demonstrating Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) skills independently without any medical equipment, demonstrating intravenous infusion skills and helping patients to inhale oxygen using double cavity catheter skills. Requirements of teaming: four contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:中药传统技能 专业分类:医药卫生 分项:1 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。选手须独立完成中药性状鉴别(涉及280种中药)、中药真伪鉴别(涉及100组中药)、中药调剂(8味中药×3剂)与中药炮制(涉及28种中药)四项比赛任务。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:山东 时间:6月上旬 Competition: traditional Chinese medicine skills. Field: medicine and health. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team and individual competitions. Contestants are to finish four tasks: identifying the properties of traditional Chinese medicine (concerning 280 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine), identifying the authenticity of traditional Chinese medicine (concerning 100 groups of traditional Chinese medicine), dispensing traditional Chinese medicine (concerning 8 doses × 3 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine) and processing traditional Chinese medicine (concerning 28 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine). Requirements of teaming: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Shandong province. Time: early June. 赛项名称:机器人技术应用 专业分类:制造 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。按照机械装配图和电路连接图装配调试自动堆垛式载运机器人,展示其功能并完成工件的抓取、运输和投放。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:广东 时间:6月中旬 Competition: robot technology application. Field: manufacturing. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to the mechanical assembly diagram and the circuit connection diagram, contestants are to assemble and debug the automatic stack loading robots, display their functions by making the robots grab, transport and release workpieces. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Guangdong province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:现代制造技术 专业分类:制造 分项:7 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。其中,数控综合加工技术和数控车床装调与维修技术为团体赛,其余为个人赛。 1.车加工技术:内容包括机械制图、工艺知识、多种材料加工、特殊刀具应用、车床夹具及附件使用等。2.焊接技术:选手使用手工电弧焊、二氧化碳气体保护焊、钨极氩弧焊(TIG)等技术焊接并装配组合件和压力容器。 3.数控车加工技术:通过手工与CAM编程和程序传输,完成较复杂配合件的加工。 4.数控铣加工技术:通过手工与CAM编程、数控铣加工完成具备一定功能的组合件加工。 5.数控综合加工技术:在规定时间内协同完成具有特定功能产品零件的加工、装配并实现设定功能及相应理论知识的应答。 6.机械装配技术:内容包括将零件装配成组件、部件及完整产品的过程,实现其运动功能并达到精度要求。 7.数控车床装调与维修技术:比赛平台为生产型数控车床,模块化的控制柜和可重复使用的调试电柜。比赛内容包括机械的装配与调整、电气连接、故障诊断与排除、几何精度检测、试件加工等。 组队要求:车加工技术、焊接技术、数控车加工技术、数控铣加工技术、机械装配技术:每个单项每队限 报2名选手,不超过1名指导教师。数控综合加工技术:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。数控车床装调 与维修:每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: modern manufacturing technology. Field: manufacturing. Number of competition events: seven. Brief introduction to the seven competition events: 1. Lathe processing technology (individual competition): it includes mechanical drawing, craft knowledge, processing of a number of materials, application of special tools and the use of the lathe carrier and spare parts. 2. Welding technology (individual competition): contestants are to weld and assemble the assemblies and the pressure vessel by manual SMAW, FCAW and TIG techniques. 3. Computer numerical control (CNC) lathe processing technology (individual competition): contestants are to complete the processing of complicated assemblies manually and by CAM programming and transmission. 4. CNC milling processing technology (individual competition): contestants are to complete the processing of assemblies of certain functions manually and by CAM program and CNC milling processing. 5. CNC comprehensive processing technology (team competition): contestants are to cooperate in processing and assembling products and accessories of certain functions and realize the stated functions and answer relevant theoretical questions within a given time. 6. Mechanical assembly technology (individual competition): it includes the process of assembling accessories to components, parts and finished products and the realization of its movement function and requirement of precision. 7. The technology of installation, adjustment and maintenance of the CNC lathe (team competition): the platforms of competition are a CNC production lathe, a modularized controller cabinet and a reusable debugging electrical cabinet. Specifically it includes assembling and adjusting the machinery, line connecting, diagnosing and clearing faults as well as testing geometric precision and processing specimen etc. Requirements of teaming: for lathe processing technology, welding technology, CNC lathe processing technology, CNC milling processing technology and mechanical assembly technology, two contestants and only one instructor for each team in each competition event; for CNC comprehensive processing technology, three contestants and at most two instructors for each team; for the technology of installation, adjustment and maintenance of the CNC lathe, two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:煤矿安全 专业分类:资源环境 分项:3 分项内容:1.综采电气维修;2.采掘机电维 修;3.煤矿瓦斯检查 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。其中,采掘机电维修为团体赛(2人一组),其余为个人赛。 1.综采电气维修:比赛内容包括馈电开关与磁力启动器配合接线及真空开关的故障处理等。 2.采掘机电维修:比赛内容包括JD-11.4型调度绞车的拆装及电气连接等。 3.煤矿瓦斯检查:比赛内容包括光学瓦斯检定器故障判断及合格仪器选定、模拟测定掘进工作面瓦斯浓度并口述掘进工作面瓦斯管理的相关规定、瓦斯浓度实测。 组队要求:1.综采电气维修:每队不超过3名选手、1名指导教师。2.采掘机电维修:每队不超过2名选手、2名指导教师。3.煤矿瓦斯检查:每队不超过3名选手、1名指导教师。 举办地:安徽 时间:6月下旬 Competition: coal mine safety. Field: resources and environment. Number of competition events: three. The three competition events are: 1. electrical maintenance of comprehensive mining (individual competition); 2. mechanical and electrical maintenance of mining (team competition, in which two contestants will form a group); 3. testing of gas in coal mines (individual competition). Brief introduction to the three competition events: 1. Electrical maintenance of comprehensive mining, which includes connecting the lines of feed switches and magnetic starters and clearing faults of vacuum switches. 2. Mechanical and electrical maintenance of mining, which includes disassembling and connecting the lines of the JD-11.4 type dispatch winch. 3. Testing of gas in coal mines, which includes diagnosing faults in the optical gas calibrator, choosing appropriate instruments, testing gas density at the simulated coalface and stating relevant regulations of coalface gas management and on-site measurement of gas density. Requirements of teaming: 1. for electrical maintenance of comprehensive mining, at most three contestants and only one instructor for each team; 2. for mechanical and electrical maintenance of mining, at most two contestants and two instructors for each team; 3. for testing of gas in coal mines, at most three contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Anhui province. Time: late June. 高职组赛项 Higher Vocational Competitions 赛项名称:会计技能 专业分类:财经 分项:1 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。比赛包括会计业务手工处理和会计业务信息化处理两个环节,分别计团体成绩和个人成绩,以总成绩排定 团队名次,以个人成绩加团队合作成绩均分排定个人名次。 会计业务手工处理:现金存储业务处理;原始凭证的审核和填制;会计凭证汇总;记账凭证的编制与审核;会计凭证的整理与装订;账簿登记;对账与结账;会计报表编制;纳税申报报编 制企业财务分析等。选手按照分工合作完成出纳、成本会计、总账会计、会计主管四个岗位的比赛任务。 会计业务信息化处理:系统初始设置,采购与付款、销售与收款、库存管理与存货、工资、固定资产业务处理以及编制记账凭证并审核、记账、期末转账、结账、编制财务报表及报表分析等。 每位选手独立完成比赛任务。 组队要求:每队限报4名选手,不超过1名指导教师。报名时选手须按出纳、成本会计、总账会计、会计主 管四个角色分别填报。角色一经确定,不得更换。 举办地:山西 时间:6月中旬 Competition: accounting skills. Field: finance and economics. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: composed of team competitions and individual competitions, both of which include the events of manual accounting and computerized accounting, and the scores of both events are added up for team and individual competitions respectively. The scores of both events are added up for the ranking of teams, and the average scores of individual scores and team scores are for the ranking of individual contestant. Manual accounting includes cash deposit, checking and filling in original documents, gathering accounting vouchers, filing and checking bookkeeping documents, filing and binding up accounting documents, ledger registration, bill checking and settling, filing account statements, preparing and reporting tax declarations and enterprise financial analysis. Cooperating with each other, contestants are to finish tasks by playing the roles of the cashier, the cost accountant, the general accountant and the accounting supervisor. Computerized accounting includes system initialization, purchase and payment, sales and cashiering, logistics management and storage, salary, fixed assets, filing and checking bookkeeping documents, bookkeeping, final account transfer, account settling, filing financial statements and financial statements analysis. Each contestant finishes the tasks independently. Requirements of teaming: four contestants and only one instructor for each team. The four contestants will register for the roles of the cashier, the cost accountant, the general ledger accountant and the accounting supervisor respectively. No changes of roles are allowed upon registration. Venue: Shanxi province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:测绘测量 专业分类:测绘勘探 分项:3 分项内容:1.二等水准测量;2.测绘计算器编程;3.数字测图 赛项简介:团体赛。内容包括: 二等水准测量:完成闭合水准路线的观测、记录、计算和成果整理,提交成果报告。 测绘计算器编程:针对实际测绘工程项目设计计算模型、编写程序、计算相关数据。 数字测图:按照1:500比例尺测图要求,完成外业数据采集和内业编辑成图工作,提交DWG格式数字地 形图。 组队要求:每队限报4名选手(其中队长1名),不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:河南 时间:6月下旬 Competition: survey and mapping. Field: survey and mapping exploration. Number of competition events: three. The three competition events are: 1. secondary level survey; 2. survey calculator programming; 3. digital mapping. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. It includes: Secondary level survey: observing, recording and calculating closed leveling line; processing and submitting the result report. Survey calculator programming: designing calculating models, programming and calculating on the basis of real mapping projects. Digital mapping: finishing field data acquisition and graphics editing as well as submitting digital maps in the DWG format on a scale of 1:500. Requirements of teaming: four contestants (including a team leader) and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Henan province. Time: late June. 赛项名称:电子产品设计与制作(基于FPGA技术) 专业分类:电子技术 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。内容包括:现代电子产品生产中所需的高速印制线路板设计、贴片式元器件焊接、电 子仪器组装,以及对FPGA电子产品进行初步设计等。 电子产品设计与制作(基于FPGA技术) Design and manufacturing of electronic products (FPGA technology based) 赛项名称:电子产品设计与制作(基于FPGA技术) 专业分类:电子技术 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。内容包括:现代电子产品生产中所需的高速印制线路板设计、贴片式元器件焊接、电 子仪器组装,以及对FPGA电子产品进行初步设计等。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手(其中队长1名),不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: design and manufacturing of electronic products (FPGA technology based). Field: electronic technology. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes: design of high-speed printing circuit board needed to produce modern electronic products, welding of chip components, assembling electronic equipment and initial design of electronic products (FPGA technology based) etc. Requirements of teaming: three contestants (including a team leader) and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:汽车检测与维修 专业分类:交通运输 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。包括汽车自动变速器拆装与检测、汽车电气系统检修和汽车综合故障诊断三部分内 容,设“汽车检测与维修”团体综合奖一项,“汽车自动变速器拆装与检测”和“汽车电气系统检修”团体单 项奖两项。 组队要求:每队由3名选手组成,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:吉林 时间:6月中旬 Competition: auto testing and maintenance. Field: transportation. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes: disassembling and testing the automatic speed-variator, testing and maintaining auto electric systems and diagnosing comprehensive malfunction. A team comprehensive award will be granted for auto testing and maintenance, and two team awards will be granted for disassembling and testing the automatic speed-variator and testing and maintaining auto electric systems. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Jilin province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:汽车营销 专业分类:交通运输 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。内容包括:汽车营销知识、汽车销售业务操作技能、汽车销售基本技能和汽车销售综 合技能比赛。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:吉林 时间:6月中旬 Competition: auto marketing. Field: transportation. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes: testing contestants’ knowledge of auto marketing, their operating skills in auto sales, basic skills in auto sales and comprehensive skills in auto sales. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Jilin province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:中餐主题宴会设计 专业分类:旅游服务 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。以中餐主题宴会设计为主线,包括台面创意设计、菜单设计、餐巾折花、中餐宴会摆 台、斟酒、客前烹制、英语口语、专业理论、现场分析答辩等内容。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:山东 时间:6月中旬 Competition: design of Chinese theme banquets. Field: tourism service. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition, which takes Chinese theme banquets as the main line. It includes creative design of the dining table, design of menu, napkin flower folding, tableware arranging, wine pouring, cooking in front of the guest, English speaking, professional theory, on-site analysis and oral defense. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Shandong province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:风光互补发电系统安装与调试 专业分类:能源 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。包括光伏供电装置及系统、风力供电装置及系统以及监控系统的安装与调试。新能源 专业、自动化专业、机电一体化专业、电力电子等相关专业均可报名参加。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手(其中队长1名),不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: installation and tuning of the wind-solar hybrid power generating system. Field: energy. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes: installation and tuning of the photovoltaic power system, the wind power system and the monitoring system. The competition is available for contestants majoring in new energy, automation, mechano-electronics and electric power and electronics. Requirements of teaming: three contestants (including a team leader) and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:植物组织培养等 专业分类:农业 分项:4 分项内容:1.植物组织培养;2.园林景观设 计;3.新城疫抗体测定;4.农机维修 赛项简介:包含四项团体赛。 1.植物组织培养:国家职业标准《花卉园艺 师》(三级)知识测试;配合完成MS母液配制、 MS培养基的配制及马铃薯组培苗继代繁殖的无菌 操作。 2.园林景观设计:国家职业标准《景观设计 师》(三级)知识测试;运用赛场软件,根据比 赛指定设计环境,自主命题,配合完成一套园林 景观设计方案。 3.新城疫抗体测定:国家职业标准《动物疫病防治员》(三级)知识测试;配合完成试验仪器及材料的选 择、被检血清的准备(采血方法)、配制1%RBC悬液、HA试验、配制四单位病毒及HI试验和抗体滴度报告。 4.农机维修:国家职业标准《农机修理工》(三级)知识测试;共同完成大中型轮式拖拉机上柴油机配气相 位的检查和柴油机供油提前角的检查调整,鉴定气缸套和活塞技术状态,排除拖拉机电路故障,启动拖拉机。 组队要求:每个单项每队限报2名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: culture of plant tissue et al. Field: agriculture. Number of competition events: four. Brief introduction to the four team competition events: 1. Culture of plant tissue: testing contestants’ knowledge as required by the national occupational standards Floriculturist (Level Three); preparing MS mother liquid, preparing MS culture media and bacteria-free operation of the succession generation of potato seedlings. 2. Garden design: testing contestants’ knowledge as required by the national occupational standards Landscape Designer (Level Three); using the given software to decide a topic and finish a garden design plan according to the given design environment. 3. Testing Newcastle disease antibody: testing contestants’ knowledge as required by the national occupational standards Animal Disease Controller (Level Three); choosing testing equipment and materials, preparing tested serum (blood collection methods), preparing 1% RBC suspension liquid, HA testing, preparing four-unit virus and HI testing and writing the antibody titer report. 4. Maintenance of agricultural machinery: testing contestants’ knowledge as required by the national occupational standards Agricultural Machinery Repairer (Level Three); cooperating in checking valve timing on diesel engine in large and medium-sized roller tractors, testing and adjusting the advance angle of the diesel engine in fuel delivery, appraising the technical state for engine cylinder sheath and pistons, removing malfunction in the tractor’s electronic circuits and starting the tractor. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and only one instructor for each team in each competition event. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:农产品质量安全检测 专业分类:农业 分项:3 赛项简介:个人赛。利用现代大型分析仪器对常见农产品质量安全指标(农药残留、兽药残留和重金属) 进行检测并出具结果报告。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过3名指导教师。 举办地:浙江 时间:6月上旬 Competition: quality safety testing for agricultural products. Field: agriculture. Number of competition events: three. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition, which includes: using modern large scale analysis equipment to test common agricultural products’ quality safety indicators (pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues and heavy metal) and submitting a report of the results. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most three instructors for each team. Venue: Zhejiang province. Time: early June. 赛项名称:烹饪 专业分类:轻纺食品 分项:4 分项内容:1.宴席设计;2.中餐热菜;3.中餐面点;4.中餐冷拼 赛项简介:包括团体赛和个人赛,其中,宴席设计为团体赛,其余为个人赛。 1.宴席设计:根据比赛要求提交宴席设计书,分工合作现场制作宴席,菜点集中展示并进行相关解说和答辩。 2.中餐热菜:指定选手制作本队宴席中的2道热菜,作为单项参赛作品。 3.中餐面点:指定选手制作本队宴席中的2道面点,作为单项参赛作品。 4.中餐冷拼:指定选手制作本队宴席中的6道(或一组)冷拼,作为单项参赛作品。 组队要求:每队限报5名选手,不超过2名指导教师。每个学校参赛队不超过2支。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: cooking. Field: textile and food. Number of competition events: four. The four competition events are: 1. Banquet design (team competition): submitting a banquet design, cooperating in preparing on-site banquets, presenting dishes, making relevant explanations and making oral defense according to the requirements. 2. Preparing hot dishes of Chinese food (individual competition): designated competitors are to prepare two hot dishes as individual entries. 3. Preparing noodles, pastries or dim sum of Chinese food (individual competition): designated competitors are to prepare two kinds of noodles, pastries or dim sum as individual entries. 4. Preparing dishes of assorted cold meats (individual competition): designated competitors are to prepare six (or a series of) dishes of assorted cold meats as individual entries. Requirements of teaming: five contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Each college can have at most two teams. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:服装设计 专业分类:轻纺食品 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。赛项分两个阶段,第一阶段赛前准备:主题系列服装设计与制作,由参赛队在决赛前 自主完成。第二阶段现场决赛:服装拓展设计、立裁造型和系列服装(第一阶段制作)动态展示比赛。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: fashion design. Field: textile and food. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which is divided into two stages: first, preparation before the competition: each team designing and making a series of clothes according to a theme before the final; second, on- site final: designing the process of developing a fashion collection, tailoring and dynamically displaying the series of clothes made in the first stage. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:报关技术 专业分类:商贸 分项:1 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。团体赛是在模拟场景下完成通关方案设计和报关现场作业任务;个人赛 内容为商品归类、税费核算和报关知识。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: customs declaration skills. Field: trade. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team and individual competitions. In the team competition, contestants are to design customs clearance schemes and finish on-site customs declaration tasks under simulated scenarios; while in the individual competition, skills of goods classification, tax accounting and knowledge involving customs declaration will be tested. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:化工仪表自动化 专业分类:石化 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。比赛内容包括《化工仪表维修工国家职业标准》高级工以上知识测试和技能操作比赛 两个部分。其中,技能操作比赛中的变送器校验与组态由每名选手单独完成,DCS控制系统仿真组态运行、过 程控制系统运行调试由参赛队选手共同完成。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:河北 时间:6月下旬 Competition: chemical instruments automation. Field: petrochemical industry. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. It includes testing contestants’ knowledge required for those above the senior worker level designated in the National Occupational Standards of Chemical Instruments Maintenance and skills operation. The skills operation of checking transmitters and configuration should be carried out by each contestant individually, and that of the functioning of simulated configuration of Distributed Control System (DCS) and the running of the process control system by all the contestants in a team. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Hebei province. Time: late June. 赛项名称:化工生产技术和化工设备维修 专业分类:石化 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。 化工生产技术:比赛内容包括《化工总控工国家职业标准》高级工以上知识测试和技能操作比赛两个部 分。其中,技能操作比赛中的化工生产仿真操作由每名选手单独完成,精馏操作由参赛队选手共同完成。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 化工设备维修:化工设备维修比赛内容包括《化工检修钳工国家职业标准》高级工以上知识测试和技能操 作比赛两个部分。其中,技能操作比赛中的钳工操作由抽签确定一名选手单独完成,另外2名参赛队选手共同 完成机泵拆装运行操作。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:江苏 时间:6月中旬 Competition: chemical production technology and chemical equipment maintenance. Field: petrochemical industry. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. Chemical production technology: the competition includes testing contestants’ knowledge required for those above the senior worker level designated in the National Occupational Standards of Chemical Control Workers and skills operation. The skills operation of simulated operation of chemical production should be carried out by each contestant individually and that of rectification by all the contestants in a team. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and only one instructor for each team. Chemical equipment maintenance: the competition includes testing contestants’ knowledge required for those above the senior worker level designated in the National Occupational Standards of Chemical Repair Fitters and skills operation. The skills operation of bench-work should be carried out by one contestant individually, who will be decided by drawing lots. And the other two contestants should cooperate in conducting the skills operation of dismantling electric pumps. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Jiangsu province. Time: mid June. 赛项名称:工业分析检验 专业分类:石化 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。比赛内容包括《化学检验工国家职业标准》高级工以上知识测试和技能操作两个部 分。技能操作包括化学分析和仪器分析。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: industrial analysis and testing. Field: petrochemical industry. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes testing contestants’ knowledge required for those above the senior worker level designated in the National Occupational Standards of Chemical Inspector and skills operation. The skills operation involves chemical analysis and equipment analysis. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:智能电梯装调与维护 专业分类:土建 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。根据任务书和智能电梯功能要求,完成系统的部分设计、智能电梯部分器件的选配和 安装、管线敷设和线路连接或端接、系统参数设置与控制程序设计、整体系统调试、故障诊断与排除和群控功 能调试等工作任务。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手(其中队长1名),不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: installation, adjustment and maintenance of intelligent elevators. Field: civil engineering. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to the statement of work and the function requirements of intelligent elevators, the contestants are to finish such tasks as partial design of the system, choosing and installing some parts of the elevator, line laying, line connecting and end connecting, setting up the parameter of the system and designing the computer controlling program, adjusting the overall system, diagnosing malfunction and making improvements as well as adjusting group control function. Requirements of teaming: two contestants (including a team leader) and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:英语口语 专业分类:外语 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。报名分非英语专业组和英语专业组两个组别。通过职场陈述、职场描述、情景交流、 正反PK等方式,考察选手英语日常交际能力和涉外业务交际能力。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手(非英语专业组和英语专业组各1名),不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: oral English (The 8th National Practical English Speaking Contest for Professional College Students). Field: foreign languages. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition. English majors and non-English majors are registered as two different groups who will compete only within its own group. Through short speech, career presentation, interview and debate, contestants show their English communication ability in daily affairs and foreign business. Requirements of teaming: one English major and one non-English major and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:物联网技术应用 专业分类:物联网 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。包括物联网设备的调试、数据传输与应用软件开发等比赛内容。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: application of network of things technology. Field: network of things. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes adjustment of network of things equipment, data transmission and development of application software. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:现代物流储存与配送作业优化设计和实施 专业分类:物流 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。包括制定储存配送作业优化设计方案、物流职业能力测评和方案实施等三部分比赛 内容。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。报名时选手须按主管1人、理货员2人三个角色分别填 报。角色一经确定,不得更换。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: optimized design and application of modern logistics, storage and distribution. Field: logistics. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes optimized plans of storage and distribution design, evaluation of professional ability in logistics and implementing design plans. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Among the three contestants, one will register for the role of the manager and the other two for the clerks in charge of the goods. No changes of roles are allowed upon registration. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:计算机网络应用 专业分类:信息技术 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。根据给定的项目需求,完成一定规模计算机网络的拓扑规划、设备配置与连接、服务 的搭建与调试、应用的接入与测试等比赛内容。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手(其中队长1名),不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: application of computer networks. Field: information technology. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to the given project requirements, the contestants are to finish tasks of topological planning of computer networks, configuring and connecting the equipment, offering and improving the services as well as connecting and testing the application. Requirements of teaming: three contestants (including a team leader) and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:信息安全管理与评估 专业分类:信息技术 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。包括网络组建、网络系统安全策略部署、信息保护和网络安全评估等比赛内容。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手(其中队长1名),不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: management and evaluation of information security. Field: information technology. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes setting up a network, adopting strategies of network system security and evaluating information protection and network security. Requirements of teaming: three contestants (including a team leader) and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:护理技能 专业分类:医药卫生 分项:1 赛项简介:个人赛。对临床案例进行独立分析,找出主要护理问题,针对首优护理问题列出主要护理措 施;在重症监护室(ICU)完成单人徒手心肺复苏术、心电监测技术、密闭式静脉输液技术三项比赛任务。 组队要求:每队限报4名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: nursing skills. Field: medicine and health. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition. Contestants are to independently analyse clinic cases, find out main nursing problems and list major nursing measures for high-priority problems. In ICUs, contestants are to demonstrate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) skills independently without the help of medical equipment, cardiac monitor skills and intravenous infusion skills. Requirements of teaming: four contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:中药传统技能 专业分类:医药卫生 分项:1 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。选手须独立完成中药性状鉴别(涉及350种中药)、中药真伪鉴别(涉 及130组中药)、中药调剂(10味中药×3剂)和中药炮制(涉及36种中药)四项比赛任务。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:山东 时间:6月上旬 Competition: traditional Chinese medicine skills. Field: medicine and health. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team and individual competitions. Contestants are to independently identify traditional Chinese medicine’s properties (concerning 350 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine) and authenticity (concerning 130 groups of traditional Chinese medicine), and dispense 10 kinds × 3 doses of traditional Chinese medicine and prepare 36 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Shandong province. Time: early June. 赛项名称:自动化生产线安装与调试 专业分类:制造 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。包括自动化生产线设备部分工作单元的机械安装和调整,气动回路的安装、连接和调 整,电气控制电路的设计、安装和布线,传感器安装与调整,PLC编程,人机界面组态,电机驱动(含变频器 及对应电机、伺服驱动器及伺服电机)参数设定,以及单站调试、系统统调、运行等比赛内容。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手(其中队长1名),不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: installation and adjustment of the automatic production line. Field: manufacturing. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes: installing and adjusting some working units of the machinery in the automatic production line; installing, connecting and adjusting the pneumatic circuit; designing, installing and laying the lines of the electric control circuit; installing and adjusting sensors; PLC programming, configuration of human-machine interface; setting up parameters of motor drives (including frequency converters and corresponding motors, as well as servo drives and servo motors); adjusting single station and system operation and adjustment. Requirements of teaming: two contestants (including a team leader) and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:机器人技术应用 专业分类:制造 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。模拟智能工厂的布局,根据比赛任务要求设计制作机器人,实现工件信息读取、工 件信息上传、工件的抓取、运输和投放等功能。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:广东 时间:6月上旬 Competition: application of robot technology. Field: manufacturing. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to the given requirements and in the simulated layout of intelligent factories, contestants are to design and make robots with the capabilities of reading, uploading information on workpieces as well as catching, conveying and placing workpieces. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Guangdong province. Time: early June. 赛项名称:工业产品造型设计与快速成型 专业分类:制造 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。竞赛模拟对工业化生产的民用产品进行改良设计,由大赛设定产品设计主题,提出产 品改良设计要求,参赛选手按要求完成产品创意设计、产品外观塑料零件(制件)的结构设计、样件的快速成 型加工以及指定制件的模具设计等任务。 组队要求:每队限报2名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: industrial molding design and fast molding. Field: manufacturing. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. The competition will simulate the improvement to the design of industrially-made civil products. The competition will designate a design theme and put forward the requirements for the improvement to the design, while the contestants will complete the initial design of the products, the structural design of the outer plastic spare parts of the products, the fast molding and processing of the samples and the design of the molds for designated parts. Requirements of teaming: two contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:数控机床装调、维修与升级改造 专业分类:制造 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。比赛内容包括数控机床故障排除、几何精度检测,旋转工作台的安装调整,电气连 接、调试,精度检验与补偿、试切件加工;教师制作相关教学方案和答辩等内容和环节。 组队要求:每队限报3名学生选手,不超过3名指导教师(其中答辩教师1名)。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: installation, adjustment, maintenance and update of computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools. Field: manufacturing. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition, which includes: removing malfunction of CNC machine tools, testing geometrical precision, installing and adjusting the rotatory bench, connecting and adjusting the electric system, testing and compensating precision, the instructor’s preparing teaching plans and oral defense. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most three instructors (including one for the oral defense) for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:楼宇自动化系统安装与调试 专业分类:制造 分项:1 赛项简介:团体赛。根据赛场提供的相关设备和任务书要求,完成部分系统的设计任务;在指定的模拟楼 层中,根据图纸完成对讲门禁及室内安防系统安装与调试、闭路电视监控及周边安防系统安装与调试、照明监 控系统编程与组态等比赛任务。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过1名指导教师。 举办地:浙江 时间:6月上旬 Competition: installation and adjustment of the automatic system in buildings. Field: manufacturing. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team competition. According to the statement of work and using the equipment provided, contestants are to design some parts of the system, install and adjust the inter-communication door-entry control system and the interior alarm system on the given simulated floor according to the blueprint, install and adjust the closed-circuit TV and the safety-ensuring system in the surrounding area and program and configure the illumination monitoring system. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and only one instructor for each team. Venue: Zhejiang province. Time: early June. 赛项名称:水环境监测与治理技术 专业分类:资源环境 分项:1 赛项简介:包含团体赛和个人赛。比赛内容包括水样采集、氨氮测定、污水处理工艺设计、污水处理设 备安装与调试四个部分。其中,水样采集和污水处理工艺设计为团体赛;氨氮测定、污水处理设备调试与安 装为个人赛。个人赛和团体赛得分一并计入团体总分。 组队要求:每队限报3名选手,不超过2名指导教师。 举办地:天津 时间:6月下旬 Competition: monitoring and treatment technology for the hydro environment. Field: resources and environment. Number of competition events: one. Brief introduction to the competition: team and individual competitions, which include: taking water samples (team competition), testing ammonia and nitrogen (individual competition), devising sewage testing techniques (team competition) and installing and adjusting water treatment equipment (individual competition). The scores of both the individual and the team competitions will be added up for the total scores of the teams. Requirements of teaming: three contestants and at most two instructors for each team. Venue: Tianjin. Time: late June. 赛项名称:煤矿安全 专业分类:资源环境 分项:2 分项内容:1.综采电气维修;2.煤矿瓦斯检查 赛项简介:个人赛。 1.综采电气维修:三台磁力启动器故障处理与程序联锁控制系统接线及调试运行。 2.煤矿瓦斯检查:光学瓦斯检定器故障判断及合格仪器选定、手指口述矿井通风系统瓦斯管理的有关规 定、至少模拟一处瓦斯浓度测定方法、实测瓦斯浓度。 组队要求:每个赛项每队不超过3名选手、1名指导教师。 举办地:安徽 时间:6月下旬 Competition: coal mine safety. Field: resources and environment. Number of competition events: two. The two competition events are: 1. electric maintenance of comprehensive mining; 2. checking coal mine gas. Brief introduction to the competition: individual competition, which includes: 1. Electric maintenance of comprehensive mining: clearing faults of three magnetic starters, as well as connecting lines, adjusting and operating the program interlock control system. 2. Checking coal mine gas: clearing faults of the optical gas detector, choosing standard equipment, making an oral report of the regulations concerning gas management in the mine ventilation system, demonstrating at least one method of gas concentration detection and detecting gas concentration on site. Requirements of teaming: at most three contestants and only one instructor for each team in each competition event. Venue: Anhui province. Time: late June.